Data Economy: Data Transactions and Data Rights Image
Principles for a

Data Economy: Data Transactions and Data Rights

Conducted jointly with the European Law Institute, this project studies, identifies, and collates the existing and potential legal rules applicable to transactions in data as an asset and as a tradeable item and assesses the “fit” of those rules with these transactions.
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    Official Text
    275 pages, 2023, #1PDEOT

    Produced jointly with the European Law Institute, this work identifies and collates the existing and potential legal rules applicable to transactions in data as an asset and as a tradeable item, and assesses the “fit” of those rules with these transactions. The transnational principles provide guidance to parties in the data economy, as well as to courts and legislators worldwide. Because data does not have a “location,” this common set of principles would apply wherever the parties happen to be.

    The volume is broken into five Parts: General Provisions; Data Contracts; Data Rights; Third-Party Aspects of Data Activities; and Multi-State Issues.

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