
Ethics for Pro Bono Lawyers

Ethics for Pro Bono Lawyers

American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education continues its pro bono CLE series with the upcoming seminar “Ethics for Pro Bono Lawyers.” This video webcast is scheduled on Wednesday, December 16, 2015, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Eastern, and will provide MCLE credit* to attendees.

Helping those with nowhere else to turn is a core value of the legal profession. Lawyers have an ethical obligation to perform pro bono work. In the process of performing pro bono responsibilities, lawyers are bound by the same ethical rules that apply to all lawyers, some of which have special application in the pro bono context.

This program addresses the ethical considerations which are particularly critical in pro bono cases: formation of the attorney/client relationship, zeal, communications, confidentiality, conflicts, and candor. These issues will be addressed through a series of hypotheticals demonstrating application of the rules to pro bono cases.

ALI members should register through LawPass by following the CLE for Members link on the Members page. Non-members can register through the ALI CLE website