
Ver Steeg Fellowship Awarded to Paul Gowder

Ver Steeg Fellowship Awarded to Paul Gowder

Paul A. Gowder Jr. of Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law has been awarded the 17th annual Dorothy Ann and Clarence L. Ver Steeg Distinguished Research Fellowship Award. The award recognizes tenured faculty of Northwestern University who have made major research contributions enhancing the national and international reputation of Northwestern University.

“I’m incredibly honored to have been chosen for the Ver Steeg Fellowship,” Gowder said. “The fellowship will help me pursue major writing projects in developing a new critical race account of constitutional law.”

Gowder's recent book, The Rule of Law in the United States: An Unfinished Project of Black Liberation, was published by Hart in December 2021. A free open-access copy of the book is available for download from

Learn more about Gowder’s scholarship and the award here.

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