Barry Friedman of NYU School of Law was recently quoted and heavily referenced in a New York Times article on policing reform.
The piece, “The message is clear: Policing in America is broken and must change. But how?” brings together “five experts and organizers in discussion about how to change policing in America in the context of broader concerns about systemic racism and inequality.” The article mentions Professor Friedman’s work on the Principles of the Law, Policing project and his forthcoming article in The University of Pennsylvania Law Review, “Disaggregating the Police Function.”
J. Scott Thomson, who serves as an Adviser to Principles of the Law, Policing, was one of the five discussion participants. He served as the police chief in Camden, N.J., from 2008 to 2019 and was the president of the Police Executive Research Forum from 2015 to 2019.
Read the full article here [subscription required].